Visible Learning at Concordia Lutheran College

Concordia Lutheran College is extremely excited to announce that we are embarking on a new and innovative educational journey for the College in 2018.

At Concordia, we have recognised the need for change in the current educational climate to ensure our students are at the forefront of the educational revolution. 

Our objective is to enhance student learning and equip our already experienced teachers to continue their journey to becoming expert teachers. 

In 2018, we will commence John Hattie's Visible Learning framework, a three-year evidence based program designed to foster a high performing school culture that results in world class educational outcomes.

At the very core of Visible Learning is the understanding that a high performing school pays great attention to training their staff. 

This framework provides insight into what teachers and school leaders should do as they strive to improve learning outcomes for all students. 

Who is John Hattie?
Professor John Hattie is a researcher who has spent over 15 years identifying what has the greatest impact on student learning and student improvements in classrooms. He has utilised the findings of over 50,000 studies of over 250 million students worldwide to determine the top 150 factors that influence student achievement.

Hattie has been the Australian Institute for Teaching and School Leadership (AITSL) Board Chair since July 2014. This is a government body which oversees the Australian Professional Teacher Standards as well as School Leadership. 

Hattie is a world renowned, highly respected academic and leader of educational reform in Australia and the world. 

What is Visible Learning?
John Hattie’s Visible Learning framework is designed to enhance the role of teachers as they become evaluators of their own teaching. The Visible Learning framework presents the biggest collection of research into what actually works in improving children’s learning in schools.

Hattie provides teachers with the skills to move from surface learning to deep learning in both content and skills for each student. Deep learning is where students are able to transfer their knowledge to other applications.
What Visible Learning principles outline is how to demonstrably make a difference in the learning and the lives of all our students. 

  • Visible teaching and learning occurs when learning is a deliberate practice where there are transparent goals. 
  • Visible learning is where feedback is given and sought through active, passionate and engaging people. 
  • Visible learning is teachers seeing learning through the eyes of the student and students seeing teaching as the key to their ongoing learning.  
  • Visible learning does not focus on what is fashionable, or what political and educational interests want to champion. 
  • Visible Learning is based on real data that identifies what actually produces the best results in terms of improving learning and educational outcomes for students.

Visible Learning at Concordia

In early 2018, there will be an Information Evening for parents and guardians that will outline the learning that teachers will be undertaking as we work towards improving and enhancing Concordia’s educational offering. 

Concordia continually aims to be a school which is open to the changes which are rapidly occurring in the educational landscape. It is our duty to equip our students with skills and learning to adapt to the world which is yet to be. 

There is no secret to success in schools - great teachers, who are well trained, with a focused program on literacy and numeracy, who emphasise hard work and provide clear and visible feedback and who know each student. These teachers plan for success. 

Concordia already has great teachers and together, with one heart, we embrace this exciting challenge of becoming world leaders in education.